Learn exercises when off the horse that will help you perform better when mounted – exercises that can ultimately improve the way you communicate with your horse and help keep your body healthy for riding.
CorEquestrian™ was created by Michelle for cross-training horse-riders. It helps you:
Balance your weight evenly in the saddle
Stay centered over your horse
Activate your horse successfully with your seat
Engage your horse and flow with his motion at all times
Wrap your legs down and around and embrace your horse instead of squeezing and pinching him
Maintain a "straight" and supple back
Carry your shoulders evenly, openly, and freely
Keep your hands independent from your body’s motion
Keep your heels down
Sit the trot smoothly and easily
Maintain a secure two-point position
CorEquestrian™ incorporates exercises from many disciplines including but not limited to Equilates, Pilates, Yoga, Qi Gong, Feldenkrais ATM, ArtForm®, and the work of Eric Franklin.
My biggest reward is not a championship ribbon but my owner working with Michelle Spinner at Kinected Studios in New York City. Michelle's equestrian experience has been extraordinarily helpful in keeping my "man" limber and relaxed while on my back and letting me do my job. His hands are quiet, his legs are still, and his secure and comfortable seat and strong and supple core make for creating a great team.
/ Cypress, horse partner to long-time-client Bruce G. /
Working with Michelle has improved my alignment when I ride. She has helped me to understand my own musculature in a truly functional way enabling me to increase my mobility and my stability for riding. She has given me tools off the horse that I have been able to apply when mounted to achieve a steady sitting trot and a deep seat at the canter. She has taken the mystery out of getting and keeping my hip flexors open, my shoulder blades down, my shoulders level, and my heels down.
Michelle is very patient and understands that it takes a student time to undo bad habits and learn new and better ones. She draws from her knowledge of multiple disciplines to find the best approaches for her students to make the changes they seek. Michelle is able to explain things in different ways to help the novice student better grasp the biomechanics of the human and the equine and their dance together .
/ Shaneen Huxham, Fashion Accessories Designer and Equestrian /
Click on any of the links below to go directly to information about the other methods and modalities Michelle teaches.